WIP: Template twig render
The purpose of this module is to make /thunderdome page render via a twig template.
We are doing this to practice module theming in Drupal 8.
The page will be routed via the modules routing YAML.
The module will require a .module file defining the template name and a variable for testing.
A -template.html.twig will be created to render the content.
Module controller will set the template and test variable.
How to
Navigate to the front page and add "/thunderdome" as a slug.
Review Checklist
Sufficient documentation (can others figure out what's going on without context? -
Sufficient test coverage. -
All pipelines pass. -
Added applicable files to code standards and automated test pipelines. -
No merge conflicts present. -
Merge request follows deployment requirements.
Edited by Colby Chiste